

CINAHL with full text is an Ebsco database that provides indexing for several thousand journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.

More information. Our schools. Changes in the Cinahl database This is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. With CINAHL Complete, users get fast and easy full-text access to top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more.

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Ger referenser till artiklar inom ämnesområden som omvårdnad, arbetsterapi, biomedicin, audiologi, alternativa behandlingsformer, logopedi, sjukgymnastik mm. Lathund för sökning i Cinahl. > Cinahl Cinahl. Omvårdnadsvetenskap, oral hälsa och närliggande områden.

I databaser som CINAHL och PubMed är de vetenskapliga artiklarna Ju fler sökord du kombinerar med AND, desto färre träffar får du. De är ju arkiverade i databasen.

Sökningar görs oftast i flera olika ämnesdatabaser och vid behov görs även smalare ju fler delar som ingår i sökstrategin med ett booleskt AND mellan varje block. CINAHL (www.ebscohost.com/biomedical-libraries/the-cinahl-database).

Kontakt. Kartor This tutorial demonstrates the basic searching features of the suite of CINAHL databases on EBSCOhost..

Database Types Filter Database Vendors Filter All Platforms American Association of Retired Persons American Mathematical Society American Psychological Association ASM International Association for Computing Machinery Australasian Legal Information Institute Bibliotekstjänst Britannica Online British Library Health Care Information Service Bureau van Dijk Bureau van Dijk Electronic Pub.

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Träfflistan innehåller ofta dubbletter från olika databaser. Discovery; ePublications; Databases A-Z; My Loans; Tutorial: LUBsearch and Electronic Resources; Tutorial: eBooks @ Lund University Libraries Find the best library databases for your research. Simultaneously searches hundreds of UCLA's subscribed databases, presenting a unified results list CINAHL Complete This link opens in a new window staff and Institute par China Academic Journals (Zhongguo xue shu qi kan quan wen shu ju ku,中国 学术 CINAHL also provides access to healthcare books, nursing dissertations,   A-Z Databases. Find the best library databases for your research. Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Zhongguo fan you yun dong shu ju ku CINAHL: Cumulative Index to Nursing, Allied Health Literature This link opens in a new wind CINAHL Complete is the world's most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals  More databases, including librarian-recommended resources & research tips: Name(s) & Keywords: Zhongguo dang dai zheng zhi yun dong shi shu ju ku. These include websites, databases, reference sources, periodicals, library collections, Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Zhongguo jing ji she hui fa zhan tong ji shu ju ku CINAHL is the authoritative resource for nursing and al Go. Problems accessing Library databases, ejournals or ebooks off-site? China academic journals full-text database (Zhongguo qi kan quan wen shu ju ku ) This link CINAHL Plus provides indexing for over 4,000 journals from the fiel Search across Adam Matthew databases held by McGill Library.

CINAHL . CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health) is North America's most popular nursing database. CINAHL provides full text access to more than 500 indexed journals, all of which are focused on the areas of nursing and allied health. Gå till Cinahl. Finns även som app. Innehåller referenser till ca 1700 tidskrifter inom omvårdnad, fysioterapi, arbetsterapi och alternativmedicin.
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CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. This is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. With CINAHL Complete, users get fast and easy full-text access to top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more.

Entry point to access IU Kokomo subscription databases as well as LibGuides. For all EBSCO Databases. (These include SOLAR, CINAHL, MEDLINE, SocINDEX, Business Source Ultimate, and any other database that has the EBSCO  Access to Online Library Services (such as online Databases, “My UJLink”, UJoogle, Electronic Course Reserves and Interlibrary Loans) Registered UJ Staff   2017년 7월 31일 Ji-Hyang Gu, Eunseok Kim*, Yang-Chun Park†, In Chul Jung‡, and Eun-Jung Lee We searched the following 15 databases without a language restriction: CINAHL, AMED, seven Korean medical databases (KoreaMed,  25 Nov 2019 Two databases (PUBMED and CINAHL) were searched for published literature.
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Spesialbiblotekar ved fakultet for helsefag gir en innføring i bruk av den helsefaglige databasen Cinahl. Spesielt rettet mot førsteårs bachelorstudenter i s

Mobile Friendly; For all roles. Entry point to access IU Kokomo subscription databases as well as LibGuides. For all EBSCO Databases. (These include SOLAR, CINAHL, MEDLINE, SocINDEX, Business Source Ultimate, and any other database that has the EBSCO  Access to Online Library Services (such as online Databases, “My UJLink”, UJoogle, Electronic Course Reserves and Interlibrary Loans) Registered UJ Staff   2017년 7월 31일 Ji-Hyang Gu, Eunseok Kim*, Yang-Chun Park†, In Chul Jung‡, and Eun-Jung Lee We searched the following 15 databases without a language restriction: CINAHL, AMED, seven Korean medical databases (KoreaMed,  25 Nov 2019 Two databases (PUBMED and CINAHL) were searched for published literature.

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CINAHL . CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health) is North America's most popular nursing database. CINAHL provides full text access to more than 500 indexed journals, all of which are focused on the areas of nursing and allied health.

Gå till Cinahl. Finns även som app. Innehåller referenser till ca 1700 tidskrifter inom omvårdnad, fysioterapi, arbetsterapi och alternativmedicin. Bland referenserna finns även böcker, avhandlingar, informationsskrifter och konferensrapporter. 2020-02-18 In addition, CINAHL Database provides access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, audiovisuals and book chapters. It includes full-text journals, legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, research instruments and clinical trials.